Recount; Unforgettable Moments
Everyone had their own unforgettable moment in their life. It can be sad, happy, disappointed, moved, or many more. Everyone can tell their own story in their language. This time I will tell you about my most happy and touched moment in my life. enjoy xx
One day in 2006,I saw all my family was gathered together in Bukittinggi (Of course without me). I brust into tears immediately. I cried and said to my mom "when we can join the family gathering?" "not this time, honey. We didnt have enough money" she answered. After hearing that answer, I cry louder than before. After that I prayed to Allah more devout. I cried to Allah,tell all my problems. I feel better when think " just I let it go and gratitude". The days after that accident when I feeling better, I opened my facebook and BOOM ! I brust into tears again. Why? Why? MY AUNTY HAS UPLOAD THEIR FAMILY GATHERING EVENT. OMG ! I know I can't turn back time. I know I can't change the fact that "ONLY MY FAMILY WHO IS NOT THERE" . Sometimes I think just let it go,but sometimes I think why I can't be like that. I try to make myself relax and I fall asleep. After that accident,I truly fully fine.
One year after the accident, precisely one day before Eid. I heard a new that all my family was in Bukittinggi again and of course without my family. This time I'm not going to cry because "I'm truly fully fine" I not tell my father or mother about my feelings. Suddenly, my father told me to go to Jakarta. I thought "oh okay,just go to Dufan and go back to Bandung" On the way, I fell asleep. When I woke up,BAM! suddenly we arrived Soekarno Hatta Airport. My Father told me that my mother and I will go to Pekanbaru and go to Bukittinggi by land. OMG OMG SUBHANALLAH. I felt so so so so so happy. BUT I was sad in the same time because my father. He did not come with us. Because that happens in 2007, I think I'm not cry. But now,after recall that moments I feel so sad. hehe :')
Thats all for today!! thank you to read my story!! love ya! xx
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